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disposable gloves factory:EU standards for medical protective clothing

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disposable gloves factory:EU standards for medical protective clothing


The commodities related to safety, health, environmental protection and consumer protection in the EU Economic Zone market (such as electronics, machinery, medical devices, toys, personal protective equipment, communication, pressure equipment, etc.) have been forcibly listed as "must carry CE mark, otherwise they are not allowed to enter the EU market for circulation".

Protective clothing belongs to personal protective equipment, which is called personal protective equipment (PPE) in English. The safety directive of EU on personal protective equipment is 89 / 686 / EEC. According to the provisions of PPE directive, PPE products are divided into three categories according to the complexity of PPE product design and protection level. Personal protective equipment sold in the European market must comply with applicable safety requirements and standards.

The following procedures are required to obtain CE certification

(1) Application and submission model

(2) Submit supplier certificates and test reports

(3) Evaluation and certification

(4) PPE type certificate

(5) Declaration of conformity



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